Composition calculator

Our composition calculator allows (by clicking the calculator–symbol on the "Composition" tab register of our material data sheet) the calculation of the formulas:

  • Chrome equivalent: Cr eq = Cr + 1.4 * Mo + 1.5 * Si + 0.5 * Nb + 2 * Ti
  • Nickel equivalen: Ni eq= Ni + 30 * C + 0.5 * Mn + 30 * N
  • CEV / CEIIW (International Institute of Welding): CEV = C + Mn/6 + (Cu + Ni) / 15 + (Cr + Mo + V) / 5
  • CET (Carbon Equivalent Thyssen): CET = C + (Mn + Mo) / 10 + (Cr + Cu) / 20 + Ni / 40
  • PCM / CEPcm (Weld Cracking Parameter): PCM = C + Si/30 + (Mn + Cu + Cr)/20 + Ni/60 + Mo/15 + V/10 + 5*B
  • PREN (Pitting Resistance Equivalent Number): PREN = Cr + 3.3 (Mo + 0.5 * W) + 16 * N

The variables of the selected formulas are pre-assigned with values ​​of the material and can, if required, be adjusted manually at any time.

Visual highlighting helps you to quickly and easily identify which elements are present in the formulas, which values ​​are missing and whether the manually adjusted values ​​are within the defined value range of the material.

Transfer composition to composition calculator

Open a material data sheet of a material (e. g. by searching for designations) to transfer a composition of a material to the composition calculator.

Select the tab page Composition. Please click the Calculator-button, which is located in the listing of compositions.

The composition calulator will be opened in a new browser window.

Select formulas

Click on the formula in the formula drop-down list to select one or more formulas. Selected formulas will be marked with a green checkmark ( ) . Re-click on a formula to deselect it (the green checkmark disappears).

Calculate formulas

After selecting the desired formulas, they appear below the formula drop-down list.

An entry field for each element required for the calculation will be displayed in the composition values table. By default, these are pre-assigned with the mean value and can be manually adjusted according to your required values.

If your entry is outside the minimum or maximum value of the composition, the entry field will be highlighted by a red frame and the element in the formula is highlighted in red.

The entry field values can be reset to our default values by clicking the  -button.

If the selected formulas require elements the selected material does not contain, the respective element row is highlighted in orange. Additionally, the element in the formula is highlighted in orange.

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Key to Steel - Stahlschlüssel

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+49 (0)7144 6030
Verlag Stahlschlüssel Wegst GmbH
Theodor-Heuss-Strasse 36
71672 Marbach