Comparison of compositions

The comparison of compositions allows you to compare compositions in tabular form.

Add a composition to the comparison

To add a composition to the comparison, simply open the material data sheet of a material (for example, the designation search).

Switch to the "Composition" tab and click on the Add composition-Button, which can be found in the listing of compositions.

A dialog with a corresponding message will be shown after you successfully added a composition to the comparison. Please click on the Open comparison list-button to open the comparison or click on the Add more-button to add another composition.

The composition comparison list can be opened through the main menu My Account -> Comparison of compositions or the Quick Bar   Comparison of compositions on the home screen.

Sort comparison list

The composition comparison lists all selected chemical compositions in the order they were added. The values ​​of the elements are displayed in an easily comparable tabular form

Please click on the  -button to move a composition upwards or the  -button for downwards.

Remove composition

Please click on the  -button to remove a single composition from the comparison list or on the   Delete list-button to clear the entire list.

Compare values

A reading strip appears as soon as you move the mouse pointer over a value making comparing values easy.

Copy comparison table to clipboard

Please click on the  -button to select the entire comparison table. The data can be copied to the clipboard (click with the right mouse button via the context menu or Ctrl+C) and can be further processed with third party software such as MS Excel.

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