Register of the designations listed in Stahlschlüssel-Key to Steel

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For current and detailed data of the materials, please click on the respective designation.
You will get detailed material data (such as material number, symbol, standards, chemical composition, mechanical properties, physical properties , heat treatment, comparative materials in conversion table and additional information) in the form of a material data sheet.

Additional Designations

1.4028 3Ch13 420B 420 S 37 420 S 45 4028 En 56 D F.3403 FH PK4 TP1 UGI 420AX2 UGI 420B UGI 4028 UGI A420B UGI C420 UGI C4028 UGI F420B UGI F4028 UGI HQ420B UGI HQ4028 UGIMA 420B UGIMA 4028 UGI R4028 VAL2B X13 X30Cr13 Z 33 C 13 1.4031 420C F.3404 Sandvik Bioline 7C27 UGI 420C UGI 4031 VAL2C X39Cr13 1.4034 4Ch13 420C/1 4034 F.3405 MS-034 PK4EX SADEVINOX 420C T1 UGI 420D UGI 4034 UGI A4034 UGI C4034 UGI F4034 UGI HQ4034 UGIMA 4304 UGI R4034 VAL2DE X13T1 X40Cr14 X46Cr13 Z 44 C 14 1.4016 430/1 430 S 18 ACX 502 AR 430 Ch17 D2 F.3113 FI 17 PK336 R 250 SADEVINOX 430 UGI 430 UGI 430H UGI 430 L UGI 4016 UGI 4016H UGI 4016L UGI A430L UGI C430 UGI C4016 UGI F430 UGI F430H UGI F430L UGI F4016 UGI F4016H UGI F4016L UGI HQ430L UGI HQ4016 UGI HQ4016H UGI PERM17 X6Cr17 X16M X17 Z 8 C 17 1.4105 430F2 430F4 430F6 ACX 519 D2 S F.3114 PK331 UGI 430F UGI 430FR UGI 4105 UGI 4105B UGI 4105L UGI 4105SI X6CrMoS17 X17MZ Z 8 CF 17 1.4057 1Ch17N2 2Ch17N2 431 431 S 29 4057 APX D2 N F.3427 INOX 3-EXTRA MS-057 PK2SP S80 UGI 431 UGI 431BS UGI 431FG UGI 431S UGI 4057 UGI 4057A UGI 4057FG UGI F431 UGI F4057 UGIMA 431 UGIMA 4057 UGI U17N VAL4 X17CrNi16-2 Z 15 CN 16-02 E450 BR E450 D E450 E Fe570 Fe590 E450 A 1.8908 S460Q 1.8827 1.8838 1.8901 1.8903 55 EE 55EE E460D E460E Fe E 460 KG S460M S460ML S460N S460NL ST523 E 460 1.8891 1.8898 1.0536 Forterior 470 MECAVAL 147 M Spirafort 470 1.0984 DOMEX 500 MC FeE 490 TM Optim 500 MC S490MC S500MC Tenform XF 500~ 1.8924 S500Q 1.8904 S550Q E550 BR E550 A 1.0986 60F55 CS 60F55 HR 60F55 HS DOMEX 550 MC FeE 560 TM Optim 550 MC S550MC S560MC 1.0644 Forterior 590 ImpactFIT 40 MECAVAL 165 Mk Spirafort 590 ImpactFIT 20 E600 BR E600 A 1.8914 S620Q 1.8969 1.8976 68F62 HS DOMEX 600 MC DOMEX 650 MC Optim 600 MC Optim 650 MC S600MC S620MC S650MC E650 BR E650 A 1.8931 CT207 S690Q Superalsim 690 WELDOX 700 D 1.8974 75F70 HS DOMEX 700 MC Optim 700 MC S690MC S700MC 1.8893 1.0401 1.1140 1.1141 BGH 0401 BGH 1141 C 12 C15 C15E C15R Ck 15 Cm 15 DE 0401 DE 1141 DOCOL C15 Guete C15 XC 18 1.3241 2715 HS2-5-1-3 Micro-Melt HS-60 M-PM 60 VANADIS 60 1.8941 S960Q SuperElso 960 WELDOX 960 D 1.4462 22-05 22/5 Mo 22.8.3.L 22.8.3.LSi 22.9.3.LR 329A 2205 4462 45505 S 45505 WS A45N A903 AF 22 AISI 318-IMA AL 2205 Alloy 2205 AR4462 B 4 WN Bekinox Duplex BGH 4462 BÖHLER A903 CN22/9 N-IG (-FD,PW-FD)~ CN22/9N-UP~ Coracid 4462 Corronon 22/5 N D05 DE 4462 DMV 22.5 DO 25 S DUPLINOS 2205 DUX G 4462 ERGSTE 1.4462 ES9.4462 FOX CN22/9N (-B)~ G-X 2 CrNiMoN 22 5 3 Inox 1.4462 Irrubigo 4462 Irrubigo 4462S Koro 4462 Maresist F51 Nicrimphy 2205 NIROSTA 4462 NY 45 N OK 67.50 OK 67.53 OK 67.55 OK Autrod 2209 OK Band 2209 OK Tigrod 2209 OK Tubrod 14.27 Pearl F51 Puro 1.4462 R 647 RAN 62 N S8490 Sandvik 2205 Sandvik Springflex Sandvik Springflex SH Sanmac 2205 Thermanit 22/09 Thermanit 22/09-PW Thermanit 22/09 W Thermanit TG 22/09 UGI 45N UGI 4462 UGI 4462P UGI A45N UGI A2209 UGI CR4462 UGI F45N UGI F4462 UGI G4462 UGIGRIP 4462 UGI HQ4462 UR45N UR 2205 Uranus 45N WEt 4462 AHMoLM WRt 4462 AHMoLM X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 2512 2517 3310 A 506 (E 3310) A 507 (E3310) A 519 (E 3310) A 646 (1)(3310) A 837 (E 3310) A 1031 (E 3310) AMS-S-8503 G33106 MIL-S-7393 3316 A 519 (E 4337) G43376 40 NCD 7 6409C 6415S A 29 (E 4340) A 108 (E 4340) A 322 (E 4340) A 434 (E 4340) A 506 (E 4340) A 507 (E 4340) A 519 (E 4340) A 521 (E 4340) A 711 (E 4340) A 752 (E 4340) A 829 (E4340) A 1031 (E 4340) G43406 MIL-S-5000 A 108 (E 4340H) A 304 (E 4340H) A 540 (B23) H43406


Standardisation institutes


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